

VA Medical Center


San Francisco, California

Project Overview

Parking Garage

ENGEO provided a geotechnical exploration for a new parking and emergency response. The parking structure will be provide 300 parking stalls, space for decontamination equipment, a HAM radio station, an emergency command center, and a mass casualty triage and staging capability. ENGEO’s services include evaluating geologic hazards at the site and providing geotechnical design recommendations for site grading and foundations

Emergency Room Expansion

The expansion involves increasing the 4,000 square foot footprint to a final structure with approximately 16,000 square feet. We provided a foundation exploration for the nearby Building 16 Annex, a geotechnical exploration for a proposed helicopter landing pad, and a geotechnical exploration for a new proposed hospital building. In addition, ongoing environmental remediation at the emergency room location has required geotechnical consultation and observation services.

New Helipad

ENGEO provided design recommendations for a proposed helipad. The initial design work was performed in 2007 and consisted of a rapid turnaround geologic assessment and geotechnical report. The helipad is proposed for a small bluff protruding from the surrounding landscape and the underlying geology is complex. ENGEO also provided a revised report to accommodate an updated pad location. The report was issued on a rapid turnaround of three days.

Building 16

Building 16 is a pre-fabricated office and administration. ENGEO provided a three boring field program with associated lab testing and reporting.

Building 22

ENGEO provided a geotechnical exploration for the proposed Building. The building is an outpatient “hoptel” intended to serve as a transitional housing and care facility for patients unable to leave the hospital, but not needing higher level care. The project is an innovative attempt to create lower cost accommodation on site that also relieves crowding in the main facilities.

Engeo's Role

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