

East Garrison Development, Fort Ord – Parcel One


Monterey, California

Project Overview

ENGEO’s scope of service included geotechnical explorations, a fault study, and engineering design for use in the project EIR, project design, and construction of this multi-phase redevelopment of roughly 800 acres with up to 3,100 homes at build-out. The project is a mixture of single family, townhomes, lofts, live/work and apartments; a Town Center with a public square; an artist district; parks and open spaces; and roughly 100,000 square feet of commercial development, including a community center, post office, police sub-station, and fire station. As a project design feature, the project stormwater management is 100 percent site retention/recharge through the use of infiltration basins, detention basins, and a lined basin with an associated pump station.

ENGEO professionals performed slope stability analyses for the bluff slopes using GSLOPE software. The stability analyses of the bluff slopes and the detention basin provide feasible designs of cut slopes, avoiding disturbance to nearby roads and structures. In addition, ENGEO performed in-situ infiltration tests and analysis to determine the infiltration rates of the detention basins. Subsequently, ENGEO developed remedial grading plans, performed plan reviews, provided pavement studies and consultation, and designed several mechanically stabilized earth walls and geogrid reinforced slopes.

Engeo's Role

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